Couples’ Night In/Out (CNI/CNO)
One of our missions at Lifeway is to strengthen the family, and we do that in many different ways. One very intentional step we take is to have Couples’ Night Out (CNO). We host these events 2 or 3 times per year. Yes, we even provide childcare! The night consists of coming together for a meal, having a group discussion on a specific area of marriage and then an engaging (and often hilarious) group game or activity. We believe in marriages and the essential role it plays in our lives, our children’s lives, the life of the church and in society as a whole. CNI/CNO is one small way we can contribute to strengthening the bonds between husband and wife.
Married Couple’s Retreat
Held annually in September at Fairmount Camp, Married Couple's Retreat (MCR) is a weekend for couples to have a time away from everything in this world that takes our attention off one another. This is a great time to concentrate on each other, but also a time to connect with other couples that are facing many of the same issues you are. Check back for more information on the 2025 Retreat.