Recognizing the enormous task and responsibility parents face in raising a child in today’s culture, Lifeway Kids exists with the goal of partnering with you as you lead your child into becoming a committed and effective follower of Christ. Utilizing passionate teachers, multi-media, hands-on activities and games, we strive to tap into each child’s learning style and present the person of Jesus and the principles of God’s Word in an understandable, fun and thought provoking way. Listed below are our varied Children's Ministry opportunities.
SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 9:00am Junior LifeGroups Simultaneous with the adult LifeGroups meeting at 9:00am, we also have age appropriate groups for children. These are all located in our Children’s Wing. SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 10:15am Elevate Kids: (1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays of each month) With the goal of raising up kids in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph. 6:4), Elevate Kids is held in The Town Square of the Children’s Education wing on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month, Kindergarteners through 6th graders begin in the main service with their parents. Children are dismissed from the service and are escorted to "The Town Square" by Lifeway Kids workers. Elevate Kids focuses on making Jesus and the Bible relevant and applicable to everyday life through videos, skits, hands-on activities and/or games. Occasionally snacks are served to enhance the effectiveness of the Bible story. Children are kept in the "The Town Square" until a parent/guardian picks them up. Family Sunday: (2nd Sunday of each month) Because it is important for families to experience worship together, children (K-6th) remain in the entire service once per month. The regular worship service is altered slightly by the addition of a “children’s sermon,” where a presentation aimed for kids (and the kids at heart) is inserted into the regular service. WKFM: (4th Sunday of each month) WKFM stands for Wesleyan Kids For Missions, and it meets on the 4th Sunday of the month in place of Elevate Kids. Like Elevate Kids, children begin in the main service and are dismissed to The Town Square escorted by Lifeway Kids workers. WKFM focuses on global missions and life in other cultures. Children experience real life stories of missionaries and children living in other cultures via video. They often get to sample foods from the cultures or countries they are studying as well. WKFM gives children a vision of God’s work around the world.
WEDNESDAY EVENINGS AT 6:00pm (During the school year) KIDS KONNECT Beginning with a free meal served by a faithful crew of Lifeway Kids workers, Kids Konnect purposes to do just that…connect kids… with each other, with good role models, and with Jesus. Following dinner, children are divided into groups where they learn about Jesus, the heroes of the Faith, Biblical principles that bring success in life (both now and forever), and the personal application of what is being learned to their own lives through the use of multi-media, skits, creative teaching, hands-on activities and energetic recreational games. Though Kids Konnect is completely free, participant families must read and agree to the guidelines and submit a registration form for their child to be enrolled in the program. The guidelines can be read (and printed) online by clicking on the appropriate button link on this page. The registration/waiver form can also be downloaded to be printed off and brought in to the church by the parent/guardian. You may also request that a form be mailed to you or stop by the church office and pick one up. We do offer bus service to a limited area surrounding the church on Wednesday evenings. If this service is of interest to you, please print off the transportation request/permission form (button link also located on this page) and submit that with your Kids Konnect registration/waiver form. You will be added to the route provided your address is within our transportation service area, there is space, and you agree with the terms of transportation. 2025 Vacation Bible School: