LIFEWAY WOMEN come together to connect with the Lord, with each other and with our community through Bible studies, fun activities and service projects. Whether gathering as a group at a local restaurant, studying the Word of God, exercising at Zumba, taking meals to families in need or raising funds for a worthy cause, we do so with the intention of personal and spiritual growth and the blessing of others. In the process of growing in our understanding of the Lord and ourselves, we just may find ourselves making lifetime friends!
CRAFT NIGHTDo you find that you can't seem to get to those Pinterest projects you've been wanting to do? Or don't have enough space to spread out that quilt or sewing project? Whatever the craft project, pack it up and head for Lifeway one Friday night each month! It's a productive and fun time of food, fellowship and creativity from 6pm to midnight.
LADIES LIFE GROUP BIBLE STUDIESThe Thursday morning women's study is currently studying the Fruit of the Spirit and the Saturday morning Bible study is focusing on the book of James.
CRAFT BAZAARHeld annually on the first Saturday in December, from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm, the Lifeway walls are bursting with local craft vendors and tasty foods. So if you're needing to find a unique, hand crafted gift for Christmas, be sure to stop in! For more information click the picture above. Or you can find us on Facebook: