Lifeway Kids Snack Policy
Snacks may be given out to children. Snacks are age-specific and may include: Cheerios, graham crackers, goldfish crackers, water, or diluted apple juice. Snacks will NOT include anything with nuts.
Please indicate any known food allergies or special needs on the child check-in form. If nothing is indicated, we will conclude that your child has no allergies or special needs.
We ask that you do not bring individual snacks for your child unless it is due to a specific dietary need. This has the potential to create conflict between children. If an individual snack is necessary, please have it in a container with the child’s name and inform the leader that it is in the child’s bag. Please note that individual sippy cups MUST be clearly labeled with the child’s name, and will only be given to the child during snack time. This will allow us to take every precaution to help children avoid drinking out of someone else’s cup. Also, please note the snack policy below.
Lifeway Kids is a Nut-Free Zone
Products such as peanut butter, Nutella, nut-containing food bars and any other products that have nuts or peanuts listed in the ingredients should not be brought in order to prevent allergic reactions and to protect any children or staff that may suffer from these allergies.
Allergy Action Plan
Once we are aware of a life threatening allergy, we will ask parent to fill out an “Allergy Action Plan” form. These will be kept in a binder, and will be available to the volunteers during each session. If an emergency were to arise, workers will follow contact instructions as provided by parents on the form.
If a reaction occurs and parent is unable to be reached, the medication provided by parent/guardian (such as an EpiPen or Benadryl Jr.) may be administered only if signed permission has been indicated on Allergy Action Plan. Please be advised that if parent/guardian is unable to be reached, and if no medication has been provided, or if the volunteer worker is unsure about administering medication (such as an EpiPen), 911 may be called.
Snacks may be given out to children. Snacks are age-specific and may include: Cheerios, graham crackers, goldfish crackers, water, or diluted apple juice. Snacks will NOT include anything with nuts.
Please indicate any known food allergies or special needs on the child check-in form. If nothing is indicated, we will conclude that your child has no allergies or special needs.
We ask that you do not bring individual snacks for your child unless it is due to a specific dietary need. This has the potential to create conflict between children. If an individual snack is necessary, please have it in a container with the child’s name and inform the leader that it is in the child’s bag. Please note that individual sippy cups MUST be clearly labeled with the child’s name, and will only be given to the child during snack time. This will allow us to take every precaution to help children avoid drinking out of someone else’s cup. Also, please note the snack policy below.
Lifeway Kids is a Nut-Free Zone
- Preschool aged children and under may not know and/or communicate their own allergies…
- Nut allergies are often immediate and severe…
- Mere exposure to any nut product or item which contains nuts may trigger an immediate reaction…
- Volunteer workers may also have nut allergies…
Products such as peanut butter, Nutella, nut-containing food bars and any other products that have nuts or peanuts listed in the ingredients should not be brought in order to prevent allergic reactions and to protect any children or staff that may suffer from these allergies.
Allergy Action Plan
Once we are aware of a life threatening allergy, we will ask parent to fill out an “Allergy Action Plan” form. These will be kept in a binder, and will be available to the volunteers during each session. If an emergency were to arise, workers will follow contact instructions as provided by parents on the form.
If a reaction occurs and parent is unable to be reached, the medication provided by parent/guardian (such as an EpiPen or Benadryl Jr.) may be administered only if signed permission has been indicated on Allergy Action Plan. Please be advised that if parent/guardian is unable to be reached, and if no medication has been provided, or if the volunteer worker is unsure about administering medication (such as an EpiPen), 911 may be called.